Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Arnolfini Marriage

This piece is truly amazing, but not to the untrained eye. The Arnolfini Marriage is an oil painting created by Jan van Eyck in the year 1434. This is a painting is a portrait of a wealthy Italian merchant named Giovanni Arnolfini and his wife in their home in the Flemish city of Burges.

This piece is considered to be one of the most original and complex paintings in Western art history. The illusionism and detail of the painting is incredible for the time. What many artist are in awe about this painting is the use of light to create interior space (I know you probably don't understand that if you aren't artsy fartsy).

Particularly where I notice the most detail the foreground of the piece is the woman's dress. But what really blows my mind about this piece is mirror placed behind them. Here take a look for yourself.

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